Sunday 8 January 2012

Valentines Foam flowers

Here is a simple craft you can make with  your little one. There are two examples below. The hand print flower or the heart flower.  You can mix them here as I did to make a unique and keepsake bouquet.

What you will need:
-Craft foam in white and red
-Stickers,washable markers and any other item you wish to decorate them with
-Red non-toxic washable paint
-Green pipe cleaners

(Please skip step 1 if you are just making heart shaped flower)

Step 1: With white craft foam and red washable paint take your toddlers hand and make hand prints onto the foam and let dry

Step 2: Cut out heart or hand shapes out of foam.

Step 3:  Have your toddler decorate the shapes with stickers,crayons,markers or whatever you wish

Step 4: Bend pip cleaner into steam shape and poke through base of flower folding end over so the flower will not slide off.

There you have a beautiful bouquet for that special valentine. You can try foot prints as well as they work well in this craft also.

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